William Coleman Cotney ( - )

William Cotney Sarah Ella Cotney Zella Naomi Cotney Addie Obera Cotney William Amos Cotney Cludie L Cotney Flora Cotney E Cotney E Cotney Sophronia Ann Bishop Sarah Motley Mini tree diagram

Individual Events and Attributes

  • Burial:


  • Wadley, ALA2


Individual Note

1880 Census of Tallapoosa Co., page 56, dwelling 26 shows William C. age 5?


1910 Census of Tallapoosa County listed his family location as district 177,

book 106, sheet 10. His father was district 177, book 106, sheet 10, probably

next door.


The 1910 census also showed Milford Bishop [age 5] and John G. Bishop [age

2]. These must have been nephews- Sophonia being a Bishop.


On 1920 census a younger child was recorded whose name was "ELVISE". In

family information from Joe Wayne Cotney, a grandson of William Coleman, he did

not show Elvise and said his father always referred to Evelyn Claire as his

baby sister.2



Ellis Bateman <ebateman@mindspring.com>, (1999-2001).





Research of Barbara Varner (varner@phoenix.net) 1997.