Harriet Elvins (1851- )

Andew Elvins William Alexander McBean Charles Andrew McBean Alice McBean William Elvins McBean Mary McBean Mabel McBean Alice Rundle Mini tree diagram

Individual Events and Attributes

  • Birth:

  • Jan 21, 1851

  • Port Hope, Northumberland, Ontario, Canada2




Ontario Genealogy Society, Toronto Branch, Places of Worship Records Inventory committee, Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Ontario, (pub 1995).

Ontario Genealogy Society, Toronto Branch, Places of Worship Records Inventory committee, Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Ontario,


Toronto Branch OGS, 1995, Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto.

(ref) M1287 (groom) McBEAN, William (age) 25 (status) B (residence) Toronto (born) London, Ont. (profession) Builder (father)

McBEAN, William (mother) McBEAN, Janet (denomination) Presbyterian (bride) ELVINS, Hattie (age) 20 (status) S (residence)

Toronto (born) Port Hope, Ont. (father) ELVINS, Andrew (mother) RUNDLE, Alice (denomination) Disciple (witness) McBEAN,

Cyrus Toronto (witness) MALCOLM, William Toronto (married) 11 Oct 1870 (clergy) TOPP, Alexander (note) At 185

Chestnut Street