Alexander McBean (c. 1784-1847)

Janet McBean John McBean Margaret McBean Isobel McBean Hugh McBean Alexander C McBean Elizabeth McBean Isobel McBean Margaret Eddie Mini tree diagram
  • Name:

  • Alexander McBean

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Father:

  • -

  • Mother:

  • -

Individual Events and Attributes

  • Birth:

  • c. 1784

  • Inverness or Nairnshire, Scotland1

  • Occupation:


  • Weaver

  • Death:

  • Oct 12, 1847 (age 62-63)

  • Glencoe, Ontario, Canada1


Individual Note 1

Witnesses at Christening of Janet McBean d/o Alex McBean and Margare Eddie,on Dec. 15, 1810; were Donald McBean, William Eddie, Janet Eddie ( source Nairn Parish records Nairnshire, Scotland)1

Individual Note 2

Ontario Archives - Land Records index , Name listing

23 S Longwood Rd. Alexander McBean

Archival Reference RG 01, Series C15, Vol. 014 , PG 0581

Individual Note 3

Eddie Cemetery, Ekfid Twp. Middlesex Co. Ontario; Row 2plot 9 ; McBean (old marble) Erected in memory of / Alex McBean Sr., /A native of / Invernesshire, Scotland / who departed this life Oct. 12, 1847 / Settled in Ekfrid twp Nov. 1827 / aged / 63 yrs1

Individual Note 4

Parish Registers, Parochial Registers Co. of Nairn, Nairn, (Scotland), (Microfilmed copies Reel 123 and 124). New Register House, Edinburgh, Scotland and Inverness Library Reference Room


In the Summer of 1998 I recorder the births of his children while on a trip to Scotland (G.M.)


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Recorded May 27, 1999 at the Weldon Library University of Western Ontario

Microfilm M1521 ; Glencoe/Appin Pastoral charge, United Church; records of Methodist/ Presbyterian/ United Churches c. 1847-1987 of Glencoe Appin Area


Starts with several pages of history.

Page 2 - Alex McBean.. Log church built on his farm. In 1840 one of 1st elders.. Alex McBean... In 1854 ..with the coming of railway Glencoe born

(page 3 Knox Church Ekfrid… Burns Church Glencoe)1

Individual Note 5

Presbyterian Church of Ekfrid & Mosa, Session Records and Registers, 1842- 1853 , Glencoe Hist. Soc. Archives (photocopy of original held by United Church Archives)



1846. ...

18th July .... The Kirk session of the Presbyterian Church of Ekfrid and Mosa met and was duly constituted with prayer by Rev. D McKenzie Moderator pro term.

Settlement (?) ... Alex McBain (McBean) ...

The Rev. Alex Fraser deputy of the Free Church of Scotland was associated with the Session.

The Communion Roll was Made up as follows ... Alex McBain (McBean), Mrs. Alex McBain (McBean) ...



... Rev. Wm. R. Sutherland, Presbyterian was invited to take his seat as an associate with the session which he did.

the Session resolved to express the deep sorrow which they felt and the greatness of the loss which they were in this providence of God called upon to endure, by the sudden removal by death of their excellent and much esteemed fellow elder the late Alex McBean.1

Individual Note 6

Alexander McBean Homestead; 100 ACRES - South 1/2 Lot 20 Range 1 North Longwoods Road by patent 27 Sept. 1845 from the CROWN


20 Dec. 1872 by conveyance Alexander McBean, et ux to Trustees Presbyterian Church, Ekfrid, pt S1/2


Willed (Reg. # 2541) 5 Oct. 1847; S. 1/2, Lot 20, range 1, N. Longwoods Road, Alexander McBean Sr. to son Alexander


Same property by conveyance reg. # 8341, 23 Mar 1900, Alexander McBean Adm. and parts by Mary McBean widow by QC Deed reg. # 8343, sold to Mary Quinn


Same Property bought 10 Feb. 1904, by Malcome O. MacAlpine (sold 14 Oct. 1919)


(all above source; p37, Land Record Copy Book , Middlesex Land Record Office, London, Ont (1997) )1

Individual Note 7

Glencoe Transcript, date not recorded (between 1904 & 1919)

" There was considerable excitement on Longwoods Road on Thursday last when Mr. Mac. McAlpine's house ( the McBean homestead) caught fire from a defective chimney and was burned to the ground."



Willed (Reg. # 2541) 5 Oct. 1847; S. 1/2, Lot 20, range 1, N. Longwoods Road to son Alexander1

Individual Note 8

page #1

E Ekfrid 2541(info re registration)


Copy of Last Will/ of/ Alexander McBean/Late/ of the township of Ekfrid


page #2

In the name of God Amen

I Alexander McBean of the township of Ekfrid in the county of Middlesex, District of London and Province of Canada West, Farmer being in a state of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in the manner following that is to say.


First of all I recommend myself to Almighty God into whose hands at death I would commit my soul, and my body to the earth to be burried in a descent christian manner, in the hope of a happy resurection and a glourious immortatality.

2nd tis to the estate and property which it has pleased god to bestow upon me after my just debts and funeral charges are paid. I will and bequeath that the same be disposed of as follows. Viz I give and bequeth unto my wife Margaret McBean my farm which I now own and live upon it being the south half of lot number twenty south of the Longwood Road in the township, county, District and province aforsaid to her the said Margaret so long as she remains my widow and at her decease to be given to my son Alexander McBean his heirs and assigns forever, provided he the said Alexander pays each of my children the following sums two years after his mothers death in money or property at a fair price, John McBNean twenty pounds, Janet McBean five pounds, Margaret Meriam five pounds, Isabella Hyndman five pounds, Elizabeth McBean five pounds. Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint James Allan my legal and sole executer of this my last will and testiment.


Signed with my hand and seal this fifth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourty seven, and of her majestys reign the tenth.


Signed sealed acknowledged in presence of us / sig F.C, McPherson / sig Andrew Coulshard/ sig Alexander McBean


(certified as a true copy of the said will

November 18, 1873)1



"Gordon, Janice & Colleen McBean" <>, (2002).

McBean Clan of Manitoba and Ontario