Frederick Brearley1
Elizabeth Archer <>, (01 Jan 2003).
News item in The Ingersoll Chronicle, 1, Chronicle Printing Co., Ingersoll, Oxford County, Ontario, Canada, May 9, 1900.
Fred Brearley Had His Skull Fractured.
Norwich, May 7. A sad accident occurred
on the 5th concession of North Norwich on
Saturday evening at six o ’clock which
resulted in the death of Fred Brearley,
second son of Mrs. Adolphus Brearley. The
victim of the distressing affair was cleaning
up the yard in front of his mother's premises.
With a spirited team of colts he was 'draw-
ing a load of brush when the animals got
beyond the driver's control, throwing him
from the wagon against the fence with the
result that his skull was badly fractured in
two places. The unfortunate man was
carried into the house where he died at
three o'clock Sunday morning, nine hours
after the accident The deceased was
twenty-five years of age and was single.
He was a very popular young man in the
neighbourhood and was a diligent worker in
the Neward Methodist church.
News item in The Hamilton Times, Times Printing Company, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, May 8, 1900.
News item in London Advertiser, John Cameron, London, Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada, May 8, 1900.