Margaret Pollock1
bef Feb 25, 18591
Marriage Sorn, Ayrshire, Scotland 25 Feb 1859 John Pitt & Agnes Hindman, (613/7).
1859 MARRIAGES in Sorn
No. |
When, Where, and How Married. |
Signature of Parties. Rank or Profession whether Single or Widowed, and Relationship (if any). |
Age. |
Usual Residence. |
Name, Surname, and Rank or Profession of Father. Name and Maiden Surname of Mother. |
If a regular Marriage, Signatures of officiating Minister and Witnesses, if irregular, Date of Conviction, Decree of Declarator, or Sheriff's Warrant. |
When & Where Registered, and Signature of Registrar. |
7 |
1859. on the 25 day of February at Sorn |
Signed: John Pitt, Silk Weaver, Widower |
41 |
Catrine, Sorn, Ayrshire, Scotland |
Samuel Pitt, Woolen Weaver and Lilias Pitt, M.S. Drynan (Deceased) |
Signed John Macgowan |
1859 February 26th at Sorn |
After Banns according to the forms of the Free Church of Scotland
Signed: Agnes Hindman, Seamstress, Widow |
42 |
Catrine, Sorn, Ayrshire, Scotland |
David Hindman (Deceased), Agricultural Labourer and Margaret Hindman, M.S. Pollock (Deceased) |
Signed Samuel Pitt and John Wallace Witnesses |
Thomas McWilliam |