John Alexander McBean
Sep 26, 1863
Toronto, Ontario, Canada1
Address: 38 Esther St
Mar 6, 1864 (age 0)
Knox Presbyterian, Toronto1
Apr 2, 1871 (age 6)
St. Johns Ward, Toronto West, Ontario, Canada2
1881 (age 17-18)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Apr 6, 1891 (age 27)
York, Ontario, Canada3
Address: St. Patricks Ward, Toronto
Apr 6, 1891 (age 27)
Wholesale Lumber Merchant3
May 27, 1891 (age 27)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Address: 56 Augusta Ave, Toronto
Aug 26, 1896 (age 32)
York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada4
Address: 193 St Clarens Ave
Aug 26, 1896 (age 32)
Lumber Merchant; York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada4
Mar 31, 1901 (age 37)
York West, Toronto (City), Ontario, Canada5
Lumber Merchant6
1904 (age 40-41)
Mr. John A. McBean, of the hardwood lumber firm of McBean & Verrall, Toronto, has been in England for the past three months on business and pleasure combined. He expects to return home about the end of August.
Jun 1, 1911 (age 47)
Toronto West, Ontario, Canada6
Address: 200 St Clarens Ave
Place of Habitation: 200 St Clarens Ave
Jun 1, 1921 (age 57)
Parkdale, Toronto (City), Ontario, Canada7
Address: 200 St Clarens Ave
Place of Habitation: 200 St Clarens Ave
1932 (age 68-69)
May 29, 1941 (age 77)
York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada8
Address: 200 St Clarens Ave
May 29, 1941 (age 77)
Cause: Cerebral Thombosis
Address: 200 St Clarens Ave
May 31, 1941
Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada8
Plot Z, Section 05, Lot 6; General # 70359
Dec 22, 1887 (age 24)
St. Georges Church, Oshawa, ONT, CA12
Presb McBean + Co. (John A McBean, Fredrick T Verral) Wholesale Lumber, 67 Victoria Lived with Annie's parents & brother at 193 St Clarens, 1901
McBean John Alexander PB B- 283 b. 26 Sept 1863, bapt. 06 Mar 1864, s/o James McBean, carpenter & Elizabeth Francis, 38 Esther, Rev. Alexander Topp13
Census: 1881, Toronto 1881, division Ontario, film C13, District 134, sub. Dist. D-2, page 112, line 20, dwelling 367, family 617.13
Toronto Branch OGS, 1995, Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto.
(ref) B283 (name) MCBEAN, John Alexander (sex) M (father) MCBEAN, James (mother) FRANCIS, Elizabeth (occupation)
Carpenter (born) 26 Sep 1863 (born) 38 Esther St (baptised) 06 Mar 1864 (clergy) TOPP, Alexander
Census 1871 St. Johns Ward, Toronto West, Ontario, Canada RG31, (RG31).
Census Canada 1871
Place: St. Johns Ward, Toronto West, Ontario, Canada
Name |
Sex |
Age |
Born in last 12 Months |
Birth place |
Religion |
Origin |
Occupation |
Marital Status |
Married in last 12 Months |
Going to school |
Can't read |
Can't write |
Infirmities |
Remarks |
McBane, James |
M |
35 |
Scotland |
C Scotland |
Scotch |
Builder |
M |
McBane, Elizabeth Frances |
F |
29 |
1 |
Ontario |
C Scotland |
Irish |
M |
McBane, John Alexander |
M |
6 |
Ontario |
C Scotland |
Scotch |
S |
Yes |
McBane, William J |
M |
4 |
Ontario |
C Scotland |
Scotch |
S |
McBane, Elizabeth Jane |
F |
2 |
Ontario |
C Scotland |
Scotch |
S |
McBane, Annie Louesa |
F |
4/12 |
Dec |
Ontario |
C Scotland |
Scotch |
S |
Census 1891 York, Ontario, Canada.
Census Canada 1891
Address: St. Patricks Ward, Toronto
Place: York, Ontario, Canada
Name |
Sex |
Age |
Marital Status |
Relationship |
Birth place |
Father Birthplace |
Mother Birthplace |
Religion |
Occupation |
Read |
Write |
McBean, John Alexander |
M |
27 |
M |
Head |
Ontario, Canada |
Scotland |
Scotland |
Presbyterian |
Wholesale Lumber Merchant |
Y |
Y |
McBean, Annie Carter |
F |
26 |
M |
Wife |
Ontario, Canada |
England |
England |
Presbyterian |
Y |
Y |
Birth York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 21 Jul 1896 Walter Stanley McBean.
Schedule A.BIRTHS
Division of York, Toronto
When Born. |
21st July 1896 |
Name. |
Walter Stanley McBean |
SexMale or Female. |
Male |
Name and Surname of Father. |
John Alexander McBean |
Name and Maiden Surname of Mother. |
Annie Carter Verral |
Rank or Profession of Father. |
Lumber Merchant |
Signature, Description, and Residence of Informant. |
John Alexander McBean York
When Registered. |
26th August 1896 |
Name of Accoucheur. |
Dr W J Fletcher |
Signature of Registrar. |
J Blervis |
Census 1901 York West, Toronto (City), Ontario, Canada RG31, (RG31).
Census Canada 1901
Place: York West, Toronto (City), Ontario, Canada
Name |
Sex |
Colour |
Relationship |
Marital Status |
Date of Birth |
Age |
Birth place |
Immigration Year |
Naturalization Year |
Origin |
Nationality |
Religion |
Occupation |
Employment Status |
Place of work |
Months in factory |
Months in home |
Months in other occupation |
Earnings |
Extra earnings |
Months at school in year |
Can read |
Can write |
Can speak English |
Can speak French |
Mother tongue |
Infirmities |
Verral, Walter Hurst |
M |
W |
Head |
M |
27 Nov 1831 |
69 |
England |
1852 |
English |
Canadian |
Church of England |
Blacksmith |
Working on own account |
Y |
Y |
Y |
English |
Verral, Emma F |
F |
W |
Wife |
M |
29 Dec 1836 |
64 |
England |
1858 |
English |
Canadian |
Church of England |
Y |
Y |
Y |
English |
Verral, Fredrick Thomas |
M |
W |
Son |
M |
5 Feb 1867 |
34 |
Ontario |
English |
Canadian |
Church of England |
Lumber Merchant |
Employer |
Y |
Y |
Y |
English |
McBean, John Alexander |
M |
W |
Head |
M |
26 Sep 1863 |
37 |
Ontario |
Scotch |
Canadian |
Presb |
Lumber Merchant |
Employer |
Y |
Y |
Y |
English |
McBean, Annie Carter |
F |
W |
Daughter |
M |
13 Aug 1864 |
36 |
Ontario |
English |
Canadian |
Presb |
Y |
Y |
Y |
English |
McBean, Vera Winnifred |
F |
W |
Daughter |
S |
25 Mar 1893 |
8 |
Ontario |
Scotch |
Canadian |
Presb |
10 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
English |
McBean, Walter Stanley |
M |
W |
Son |
S |
21 Jul 1896 |
4 |
Ontario |
Scotch |
Canadian |
Presb |
Census 1911 Toronto West, Ontario, Canada.
Census Canada 1911
Address: 200 St Clarens Ave
Place: Toronto West, Ontario, Canada
Name |
Place of Habitation |
Sex |
Relationship |
Marital Status |
Month & year of birth |
Age |
Birth place |
Immigration Year |
Naturalization Year |
Origin |
Nationality |
Religion |
Occupation |
Second Occupation |
Employment Status |
Place of work |
Weeks at chief occupation |
Weeks at other occupation |
Hours per week chief occupation |
Hours per week other occupation |
Total earnings chief occupation |
Total earnings other occupation |
Earnings/hour |
Life Insurance |
Accident/sickness insurance |
Insurance cost |
School months 1910 |
Can read |
Can write |
Language |
Education Cost |
Infirmities |
McBean, John Alexander |
200 St Clarens Ave |
M |
Head |
M |
26 Sep 1863 |
47 |
Ontario, Canada |
Scotch |
Canadian |
Presbyterian |
Lumber Merchant |
Employer / Own Means |
Yes |
Yes |
E |
McBean, Annie Carter |
200 St Clarens Ave |
F |
Wife |
M |
13 Aug 1864 |
46 |
Ontario, Canada |
English |
Canadian |
Presbyterian |
Yes |
Yes |
E |
McBean, Walter Stanley |
200 St Clarens Ave |
M |
Son |
S |
21 Jul 1895 |
15 |
Ontario, Canada |
Scotch |
Canadian |
Presbyterian |
10 |
Yes |
Yes |
E |
McBean, Vera Winnifred |
200 St Clarens Ave |
F |
Daughter |
S |
25 Mar 1893 |
18 |
Ontario, Canada |
English |
Canadian |
Presbyterian |
Yes |
Yes |
E |
Verral, Fredrick Thomas |
200 St Clarens Ave |
M |
Brother-in-law |
M |
5 Feb 1867 |
44 |
Ontario, Canada |
English |
Canadian |
Presbyterian |
Lumber Merchant |
Employer / Own Means |
Yes |
Yes |
E |
Verral, Walter Hurst |
200 St Clarens Ave |
M |
Father-in-law |
W |
Sep 1831 |
79 |
England |
1882 |
English |
Canadian |
Anglican |
Yes |
Yes |
E |
Census 1921 Parkdale, Toronto (City), Ontario, Canada RG31, (RG31).
Census Canada 1921
Address: 200 St Clarens Ave
Place: Parkdale, Toronto (City), Ontario, Canada
Name |
Place of Habitation |
Owned or Rented |
Rental Per Month |
Class of House |
Construction Material |
Rooms Occupied by family |
Relationship |
Sex |
Marital Status |
Age |
Birth place |
Father Birthplace |
Mother Birthplace |
Immigration Year |
Naturalization Year |
Nationality |
Origin |
Speak English |
Speak French |
Other Language |
Religion |
Can read |
Can write |
School months 1920 |
Occupation |
Employment Status |
Place of work |
Total earnings 1920 |
Unemployed |
Weeks Employed |
Weeks Unemployed |
McBean, John Alexander |
200 St Clarens Ave |
O |
S (Single House) |
SB (Stone, Brick) |
10 |
Head |
M |
M |
57 |
Ontario |
Scotland |
Ontario |
Canada |
Scotch |
Yes |
No |
Presbyterian |
Yes |
Yes |
Merchant |
OA (Own Account) |
Lumber |
McBean, Annie Carter |
Wife |
F |
M |
55 |
Ontario |
England |
England |
Canada |
Scotch |
Yes |
No |
Presbyterian |
Yes |
Yes |
McBean, Walter Stanley |
Son |
M |
M |
24 |
Ontario |
Ontario |
Ontario |
Canada |
Scotch |
Yes |
No |
Presbyterian |
Yes |
Yes |
Accountant |
W (Worker) |
Lumber |
1200 |
No |
Penton, Vera Winnifred |
Daughter |
F |
M |
27 |
Ontario |
Ontario |
Ontario |
Canada |
Scotch |
Yes |
No |
Presbyterian |
Yes |
Yes |
Housewife |
Penton, Anna Winnifred |
Grand-daughter |
F |
S |
4 |
Ontario |
U.S.A. |
Ontario |
Canada |
French |
Yes |
No |
Methodist |
No |
No |
Penton, John Lee |
Grand-son |
M |
S |
1 |
Ontario |
U.S.A. |
Ontario |
Canada |
French |
Yes |
No |
Methodist |
No |
No |
Penton, William Lee |
Son-in-law |
M |
M |
30 |
U.S.A. |
U.S.A. |
U.S.A. |
1917 |
U.S.A. |
French |
Yes |
No |
Methodist |
Yes |
Yes |
Druggist |
W (Worker) |
Drug |
500 |
Rigger, Annie |
Lodger |
F |
W |
70 |
England |
England |
England |
1884 (pencil) |
Canada |
English |
Yes |
No |
Anglican |
Yes |
Yes |
Death York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (200 St Clarens Ave) 29 May 1941 John Alexander McBean.
1. PLACE OF DEATH 200 St Clarens Ave, York, Toronto 2. LENGTH OF STAY 3. PRINT FULL NAME OF DECEASED McBean John Alexander RESIDENCE 200 St Clarens Ave, York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
4. Sex
Male |
5. Nationality |
6. Racial Origin |
7. Single, Married, Widowed or Divorced Married |
8. BIRTHPLACE Canada 9. DATE OF BIRTH 10. AGE 77 OCCUPATION 11. Trade, profession or kind of work 12. Kind of industry or business 13. Date deceased last worked at this occupation 14. Total years spent in this occupation 15. If married give name of wife Annie Carter Verral or husband of deceased FATHER 16. NAME James McBean 17. BIRTHPLACE MOTHER 18. MAIDEN NAME Elizabeth Frances Smith 19. BIRTHPLACE 20. Person giving information Walter Stanley McBean Address 384 Beresford Ave Relationship to deceased Son 21. Place of Burial, Cremation or Removal Date of burial or removal 22. Burial Permit was issued by Address 23. UNDERTAKER
24. DATE OF DEATH May 29 1941 25. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I attended deceased from: CAUSE OF DEATH Cerebral Thombosis 26. If a woman, was the death associated with pregnancy? 27. Was there a surgical operation?Date of operation State findings Was there an autopsy? 28. If death was due to external causes (violence) fill in also the following:
Signed by John Connor M.D. 29. Division Registrar's Record No. 30. Filed
Obituary, May 30, 1941.
Established One of the First Firms in Toronto
One of Toronto's oldest lumbermen, John Alexander McBean died yesterday at his home, St. Clarens Ave. He was in his 78th year and had lived in Toronto all his life.
A son of the late James and Elizabeth McBean, he was educated at Wellesley school. He entered the lumber business in 1835, later establishing the firm of McBean and Verrall. He retired in 1932 because of ill-health. Mr. McBean was a member of the Commercial Travellers' association and the Canadian Order of Foresters.
Surviving are his widow, Annie C. Verrall McBean; one son, Walter; two sisters, Mrs. William McLaren of Lumsden, Sask., and Miss Annie Louise McBean of Toronto; one brother, Rev. William J. McBean of Denver, Col., and six grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at the A. W. Miles funeral chapel, St. Clair Ave., with interment in Mount Pleasant cemetery.
Obituary in The Globe and Mail, 5, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 30, 1941.
Announcement in The Globe and Mail, pg. 24, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 30, 1941.
Mariage Cert held.
"Gordon, Janice & Colleen McBean" <>, (2002).
McBean Clan of Manitoba and Ontario