Lewis Leethem Shaw
c. 1826
Wilcox Co., ALA
1850 (age 23-24)
Coosa Co., Alabama, USA
Shaw, Lewis L, age 35 farmer, born AL, Telitha Jane, age 21, born GA, Hugh age
3 born AL, Mary Ann four months, born AL, and John Shaw, age 47 born NC.
1860 (age 33-34)
Coosa Co., Alabama, USA
Shaw, L. L. age 34, farmer born AL, T J age 30 female born GA, H H age 12 male,
Mary A age 10 female, S I age 8 female, S A S age 6 female, J L age 4 female
and J L 4 months male.
Sep 13, 1864 (age 37-38)
Richmond, Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
Sep 23, 1847 (age 20-21)
Coosa Co., Alabama, USA
"History of Coosa County Alabama", by Rev George E Brewer, page 158, 59th
Alabama Regiment. "Company C was from Coosa with Louis Crumpler, captain; Isom
L Lee, 1st Lt; William R Davie, 2nd Lt; Joseph E Pond, 3rd Lt; Lewis L Shaw,
1st Sergt......"
Civil War record, Washington DC, National Archives. L L Shaw, Co F 59 Regt,
Register of Officiers and soldiers of the Army of the Confederate States who
were killed in battle, or who died of wounds or disease. When deceased Sept
12, 1864, Where and from what cause Howard's Grove, VA, effects Sundries,
when received Oct 25, 1864, Number of certificate # 257.
Lewis L Shaw * 1st Sgt Co C 59 Reg't Alabama Infantry, enlisted Mar 26 1862, at
Rockford Alabama, by Capt Stubblefield, for 3 years, last paid by Capt kaigler
to Oct 31, 1863, Present. * Name appears in column of names present as Louis L
L L Shaw, Sgt Co C 59 Regt Ala, report of sick and wounded in General Hospital,
Howard's Grove, Richmond, VA, for the month of Sept 1864. Discharges on
surgeon's Certificate and deaths: Disease: Diarrhea Chron. Date of death
Sept 13, 1864.