infant McBean ( - )

Alexander C McBean Alexander McBean Mary McBean Donald McBean John McBean Daniel McBean Margaret McBean Elizabeth McBean David McBean Fanny Jane McBean Hugh McBean Duncan McBean Mary A McEachren Mini tree diagram

Individual Events and Attributes

  • Birth:

  • "29 NOV"1 2


Individual Note

Eddie Cemetery ; Row 5, plot 13, tombstone " McBean (white Marble) In Memory of / Fanny Jane / daughter of Alex'r McBean & Mary A. McBean / died / Feb. 26, 1873 / aged 5 yrs 6 mos /

also infant Nov. 29 (no Year) ( nothing on old records) / "suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not / for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. " s.m. J. R. Hughes, St. Thomas1 2




Edie Cemetery, near Glencoe, Ekfrid twp., Middlesex Co., Ont.


"Gordon, Janice & Colleen McBean" <>, (2002).

McBean Clan of Manitoba and Ontario