William McBean
Oct 13, 1806
Oct 17, 1806 (age 0)
Nairn, Scotland5
from parish records for Nairn Parish, Nairnshire, Scotland:
Witnesses at Christening of William McBean: October 17, 1806, William McJas_________?(remainder o
tailor / farmer6
1842 (age 35-36)
Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada7
Jan 12, 1852 (age 45)
Ekfrid, Middlesex, Canada West8
Jan 14, 1861 (age 54)
Ekfrid, Middlesex, Canada West9
Apr 2, 1871 (age 64)
Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada10
Apr 4, 1881 (age 74)
Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada11
Apr 6, 1891 (age 84)
Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada12
Jan 21, 1892 (age 85)
Glencoe, Ontario, Canada13
Jun 22, 1833 (age 26)
Nairn, Scotland5
William is the son-in-law of Alexander McBean who had immigrated in 1835 to the Ekfrid area and had land just down Longwoods Road from William's homestead.5
Middlesex County Land Titles Office, London, Ontario. Searched by Gordon McBean July 1997
(William McBean Homestead ), 100 ACRES-North 1/2, lot 23 RLSLR; William received a "Patent" to the land 11 June 1847. By 30 April 1874 William (widower) sells (conveyance) E 1/2 to Alexander McBean ( probably his son )
21 March 1883 William McBean sells (conveyance) his W1/2 & Alexander McBean & wife their E1/2 (conveyance) , north 1/2 lot 23 RLSLR (William McBean Homestead) to George McBean [William's son]
30 Oct. 1885, Elizabeth McBean & Jane McBean William's daughters, received (Life Lease) part of North 1/2 lot 23 R.L.S.L.R. ( Wm. McBean homestead) from George McBean. Later, Nov. 25, 1913, name listed as Jane Tallamy then selling their parts (QC Deed) for $ 1.00 to Margaret McBean who then 2 Dec 1913 sells (conveyance) the whole N1/2 to William G. Howson5
Ontario Archives - Land Records index , Name listing
William McBean, Ekfrid, 32S Longwood Road, Date ID 2, 1842 - 06(June) - 02 , A(ssignment) , deed # ; Archival Reference RG 01, Series C15, Vol. 001 , PG 510
23 S Longwood Rd. Alexander McBean
Archival Reference RG 01, Series C15, Vol. 014 , PG 0585
North Easthope, Huron Tract, U.C.
It has been thought proper and perhaps necessary to give the following information for the guidance of many of our late neighbours in Perthshire who may be wishful to come to this place as when an Emigrant arrives from on Board Ship, he is often perplexed as to the route or journey to any particular place he intends going to. The Routes which follow may be depended upon as being pretty correct.
1. Route from Quebec to Montreal to Hamilton. and from thence to North
Easthope (Huron Tract) Miles
From Quebec to Montreal (by Ship or Steamboat) 180
Montreal to Kingston (by Steamboat & Durham Boats 189
Kingston to Hamilton (head of Lake Ontario) by Steamboat 211
From Hamilton to Dundas 5
To Cornells Tavern (Township of Beverly) 8
To Henry Ebbs Do ( D . ) 6 1/2
To Thomans D? (village of Breston, Township of Waterloo) 6 1/2
To Swartz now Stafans Do (Twp. of Waterloo) by covered bridge
over Grand River 6 1/2
To Rycharts Saw Mill (Township of Wilmot) 4
To Hobsons Tavern ( Do ) 5 1/2
To Helmors Do first Tavern in the Houron Tract (North Easthope) 6
To Tryfogles Tavern (South Easthope) 3
being about 4 miles from the centre of the Scotch Settlement, 71 51
North Easthope 631
The above distance is 631 miles, 580 of which are by River St. Lawrence and Lake
Ontario, and the remaining 51 miles by land. Waggons are easily procured from
Hamilton to North Easthope for 14 or 18 Dollars per load. There is 5/0 currency in a
Dollar equal to about 4/31/2 British. The passage from Quebec up the St. Lawrence is a
very disagreeable besides dangerous one, and not to be compared with the route No. 11
below, by the way of New York and Oswego. When an Emigrant lands at Quebec (who is
bound for Upper Canada beyond Toronto (late York) he has to travel by ship, steamboat,
or by the Durham boats, which last boats are made to surmount the Rapids and not
constructed to afford shelter from wet or tempestuous weather. Emigrants however may
now avoid the danger, and trouble in the Durham Boats by going by the Rideau Canal,
vizt. from Montreal up the Ottawa River to mouth of that Canal, and by it to Kingston
and from thence to Hamilton by Steamboat. The distance to Hamilton from Quebec is
580 miles whereas the distance by the Route No. 2 is only 484, Besides there is really much
danger in navigating the Gulph of St. Lawrence, as the many shipwrecks shew, and the
state of the Quarantine Station at Grosse or Goose Island (24 miles below Quebec) is very
11. Route from New York to Hamilton, & from thence to North East Hope, Huron
Tract From New York to Albany (by Steamboat or Towboat towed Miles
by a Steamboat in 22 hours 145
From Albany to Syracuse by Eric Canal 171
From Syracuse to Oswego, on Lake Ontario 38 354
From Oswego to Hamilton by Steamboat about 130
(or from Oswego to Toronto and from Toronto to Hamilton) 484
From Hamilton to North Easthope as before 51 535
The advantage of an Emigrant coming to Canada by way of New York, is the quickness of passage, safety, and cheapness, being on the whole as cheap as by Quebec. The passage from New York to Oswego is a most comfortable one compared to that by Montreal, the Towboats and Canal Boats being well fitted up, and complete protection afforded against the weather for both passengers and luggage. At Oswego an Emigrant meets a Steamboat for Hamilton or for Toronto (late York) and if for Toronto then there is a Steamboat from Toronto to Hamilton. (This Season there were two plying twice a day between Toronto and Hamilton). The distance between Albany and Oswego is performed in one Canal Boat.5
Hugh McColl, Some Sketches of the Early Highland Pioneers of the County of Middlesex, (Canadian Heratage Publications). PCM 30 p 30.
Parish Registers, Parochial Registers Co. of Nairn. Microfilmed copies Reel 123 and 124.
Edie Cemetery, near Glencoe, Ekfrid twp., Middlesex Co., Ont.
Eddie Cemetary Index -A Series of Cemeteries in Middlesex co.
"Gordon, Janice & Colleen McBean" <>, (2002).
McBean Clan of Manitoba and Ontario
London & Middlesex county Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1852 Census: (index) county of Middlesex, Ekfrid Twp.
Hugh McColl, Some Sketches of the Early Highland Pioneers of the County of Middlesex, (Canadian Heratage Publications).
Alex. McBean, sr., 1835. and Wm. McBean (tailor), 1842, both from Nairn, Scotland
Census 1851 Ekfrid, Middlesex, Canada West RG 31, (RG 31).
Census Canada 1851
Place: Ekfrid, Middlesex, Canada West
Name |
Occupation |
Birth place |
Religion |
Residence if out of limits |
Age |
Sex |
Married |
Colored |
Indians |
Residents |
Disability |
Attending School |
Births |
Deaths |
Death Cause |
William McBain |
tailor / farmer |
Scotland |
Free Church |
45 |
M |
M |
Member |
Janet McBain |
Scotland |
Free Church |
41 |
F |
M |
Member |
Margaret McBean |
Upper Canada (Ontario) |
Free Church |
16 |
F |
S |
Member |
James McBean |
Labourer |
Scotland |
Free Church |
18 |
M |
S |
Member |
Alexander McBean |
Upper Canada (Ontario) |
Free Church |
14 |
M |
S |
Member |
Yes |
William McBean |
Upper Canada (Ontario) |
Free Church |
9 |
M |
S |
Member |
Yes |
Elizabeth McBean |
Upper Canada (Ontario) |
Free Church |
6 |
F |
S |
Member |
Census 1861 Ekfrid, Middlesex, Canada West.
Census Canada 1861
Place: Ekfrid, Middlesex, Canada West
Name |
Occupation |
Birth place |
Married in year |
Religion |
Residence if out of limits |
Age |
Sex |
Marriage Status |
Race |
Residents |
Disability |
Attending School |
Cannot read/write |
Births |
Deaths |
Age and Death Cause |
W. McBean |
tailor / farmer |
Scotland |
Free Church |
54 |
M |
Member |
J. McBean |
Scotland |
Free Church |
50 |
F |
Member |
Yes |
A. McBean |
Labourer |
Upper Canada (Ontario) |
Free Church |
21 |
M |
Member |
W. McBean |
Labourer |
Upper Canada (Ontario) |
Free Church |
18 |
M |
Member |
E. McBean |
Serv |
Upper Canada (Ontario) |
Free Church |
14 |
F |
Member |
Yes |
Yes |
S. McBean |
Upper Canada (Ontario) |
Free Church |
12 |
M |
Member |
Yes |
J McBean |
Upper Canada (Ontario) |
Free Church |
8 |
F |
Member |
Yes |
G McBean |
Upper Canada (Ontario) |
Free Church |
8 |
M |
Member |
Yes |
Census 1871 Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada RG31, (RG31).
Census Canada 1871
Place: Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
Name |
Sex |
Age |
Born in last 12 Months |
Birth place |
Religion |
Origin |
Occupation |
Marital Status |
Married in last 12 Months |
Going to school |
Can't read |
Can't write |
Infirmities |
Remarks |
McBean, Alexander |
M |
30 |
Ontario, Canada |
C Presb |
Scotch |
Farmer |
M |
McBean, Maryan |
F |
25 |
England |
C Presb |
English |
M |
McBean, Fanny Jane |
F |
4 |
Ontario, Canada |
C Presb |
Scotch |
McBean, Margret |
F |
3 |
Ontario, Canada |
C Presb |
Scotch |
McBean, William |
M |
64 |
Scotland |
C Presb |
Scotch |
Farmer |
M |
McBean, Janet |
F |
60 |
Scotland |
C Presb |
Scotch |
M |
McBean, Elizabeth |
F |
25 |
Ontario, Canada |
C Presb |
Scotch |
McBean, Jane |
F |
18 |
Ontario, Canada |
C Presb |
Scotch |
McBean, George |
M |
18 |
Ontario, Canada |
C Presb |
Scotch |
Census 1881 Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada RG31, (RG31).
Census Canada 1881
Place: Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
Name |
Sex |
Age |
Born in last 12 Months |
Birth place |
Religion |
Origin |
Occupation |
Marital Status |
Going to School |
Infirmities |
Remarks |
McBain, William |
M |
74 |
Scotland |
C Presb |
Scotch |
Farmer |
W |
McBean, Elizabeth |
F |
34 |
Ontario |
C Presb |
Scotch |
McBean, Jane |
F |
28 |
Ontario |
C Presb |
Scotch |
McBean, George |
M |
28 |
Ontario |
C Presb |
Scotch |
Census 1891 Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada RG31, (RG31).
Census Canada 1891
Place: Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada
Name |
Sex |
Age |
Marital Status |
Relationship |
Birth place |
French Canadian |
Father Birthplace |
Mother Birthplace |
Religion |
Occupation |
Employer |
Wage Earner |
Unemployed |
Average Employed |
Read |
Write |
Infirmities |
McBean, George |
M |
37 |
Head |
Ontario, Canada |
Scotland |
Scotland |
C Presb |
Farmer |
Yes |
Yes |
McBean, Jane |
F |
37 |
Sister |
Ontario, Canada |
Scotland |
Scotland |
C Presb |
Yes |
Yes |
McBean, Betsy |
F |
42 |
Sister |
Ontario, Canada |
Scotland |
Scotland |
C Presb |
- |
- |
McBain, William |
M |
84 |
Father |
Scotland |
Scotland |
Scotland |
C Presb |
Yes |
Yes |
Memorial 124861333